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Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm With Matlab Code

Hello All student and people in the world.  Sorry, if we delay our posting about “Deploy .m (Matlab) to .java and .jar (Java Application) On Windows OS [part 4]”.  It’s will coming soon, okey. 😀

In this chance, We have been write code to vessel detection in eye retina without using syntax “For or while”. So our code is pure using matrix concept, thus this project can run only -+ 15 second. This is our interface/ visualization of program part 1 :

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_1

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_1

The Theory :
Line Tracking Method used to trace a line on the image with a certain angular orientation and diameter. By utilizing the image histogram, the pixel area boundaries will be determined to be tracked by the threshold value corresponding to the frequency of the intensity image (Vlachos M and Dermatas E, 2010). After getting the tracking area, it will be done early in the initialization process for tracking pixel pixel neighbors with direction and a predetermined diameter. By calculating the value of the weight of each pixel neighbors, it will be selected the pixels that have the greatest weight and the value exceeds a predetermined threshold weight. If it is not eligible, it will be re-initialization process early pixels. If there is one that meets the pixel, the pixel is marked as a line pixel by providing trust value of “1”, while the other pixels set to “0”. Furthermore, this process is repeated until all of the pixel area is completed tracking. This is our interface/ visualization of program part 2 :

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_2

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_2

Best Result Map Quantization Without Masking Image :

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_3

Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm_3

You can download This Matlab Code All About “Detection Of Vessels In Eye Retina Using Line Tracking Algorithm” at  (Source Code To Vessel Detection In Eye Note : “After Download it, To Extract File (Source Code To Vessel Detection In Eye, You must Rename Extension *.doc to *.zip” :)

To Running the program, double click Line.m file.  Enjoy with matlab code, especially for your research.

Paper reference (2010):
Multi-scale retinal vessel segmentation using line tracking.
Marios Vlachos, Evangelos Dermatas.
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Any Suggestions, Question and Other, Send to My Email :